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Become an Officer

     The officers of Word Attack are divided into two ministries: the ministry of executives and the ministry of councils. These ministries are autonomous but work in collaboration with each other for the organization. Below is the organizational structure of Word Attack:

Word Attack Officers

​The Ministry of Executives


      The Ministry of Executives can only consist of five distinct officers, each with different positions. No officer may hold more than one position in this ministry. The functions of the officers of this ministry are as follows:


  • President - The head of the organization.


  • Vice President - The head of the organization in the absence of the president.


  • Executive Secretary - Overseer of the organization’s documents, funds, and the supervisor of the Faux Councils and Faux Council Divisions.


  • Prime Director - Overseer of the organization’s internal event’s and the supervisor of the Guild Leaders.


  • Public Director - Overseer of the organization's external events and the supervisor of the Information Council.


        To be part of the Ministry of Executives, one must first have been an active member of the Ministry of Councils for a year.


The Ministry of Councils 


     The Ministry of Councils has no limits on the number of members--and in certain cases, non members--whom may join. An officer of this ministry may become part of multiple councils as long as it is within the capacity of said officer. An executive minister may also be part of this council but only under limited circumstances. The functions of the officers of this ministry are as follows:


  • Council of Guild Leaders - Comprises guild leaders, heads of their respective writers guilds. They lead groups of writers and hold workshops with their guild members, supervise their writing progress, conduct activities with their members, and many more. They have have free reign over the activities they may conduct within their guilds so long as it is approved by the Prime Director. Guild Leaders also assist the prime director in establishing internal events.


  • Information Council - Comprises Public Relationship Officers (PROs), they help in the spreading of information within the organization. They also help in the maintenance of the online facet of Word Attack. Under the supervision of the Public Director, this council helps in the organization of external activities.


  • The Faux Council and Faux Council Divisions - Extremely specialized councils composed of members called Council Specialists, who are set to do very specific tasks. These tasks involve activities outside the skill set of ordinary members such as business management, graphic design, video editing, acting, and many more. Members and non-members may join this council. This council is supervised by the executive secretary.


     There are no restrictions to becoming part of these councils apart from consistent participation in the organization. One may join at any time upon permission from the respective council supervisors. 

Ministry of Councils
Ministry of Executives

For more information on the officers, please read the constitution and by-laws



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